Can you hear me?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Well father it has been a long time since I've blogged. I think it has something to do with not being to approach perfection so opting to watch baseball instead. Anyway, I've got this IKYBUBBLES now, who is three months old. I've been looking forward to starting an all out web assault, so here goes. I'm gonna start uploading as soon as my new dish is up. I need to cut down two pine trees first. Hopefully I can get rolling by 8-18 and then say goodbye to that old index page et al by soon after. I'm not even gonna email anyone for a few weeks and then hopefully have as much as an hour of new content up by the time I do, and then a solid enough handle to be able to update the site weekly. I want to generate community.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005
I recently recieved an email from some dear friends of mine at Geffen records promoting Popa Roach and some other names that I can't remember and, no, I will not go back and check. I just can't believe how they stereotype the public and then sell to this pre-created, price certain, sliver of a demographic. Anyway, here's what I wrote back.

Dear Geffen,
I listened to this music and I don't like it. Do you really think you have an REM or a Nirvana there? This music is awful and believe me I know this is only my problem (and the problem of many other people who have a modicum of taste). I hate this derivative, funk pop a roll, small minded, angry trash but then I realize that it's just commerce and I try not get too offended. Your problem is that It will not sell, at least not the way you want it to.

Try to find something imaginative even if it's different. I mean, what did you think when you first heard Beck? Start a trend. I mean, another Limp Bizket rip. A stoney acoustic sleep inducing Radioheadesque waste of thousands of production dollars? More stuff about ho's? Have you ever heard DJ Paul Barman?

I'm not even gonna mention my own qualifications because you don't care, but if you don't know, you should ask somebody.

Dan Seiden

Here's a warpy little piece of bug trash midi

Thursday, December 16, 2004
Three things about teaching; you gotta love the kids, You gotta love music, and the third has something to do with a circular chicken sandwich.

Anyway, This song has nothing to do with that. Or maybe it does. A good teacher, like a good friend needs to lift someone else up. For a teacher it means taking an approach which stresses the positive aspects of the work. For a friend it means taking time to listen and taking the energy to rev someone up.

When I was a young musician, I think that there were people in my life who were threatened by my talent. While I understand that, I wish that they had also thought to take pride in my accomplishments. They deserved to. They taught me so much.

Sour Grapes

Friday, November 05, 2004
What a groove the summer of 2004 was. I finally got the studio of my dreams and set it up all perfect. Stacia would split to work and Hazel and I would stay home and rock. She slept and I composed. She woke and got mad that I was two timing her with the computer. She chilled when I patted her back in rhythm. She likes the beat man. I got a little drummer on my hands. You’re fired Feinberg!

It Is an Easy

Thursday, November 04, 2004
We are cave men in three piece suits. Our leaders are paid endorsers for a Ronco food dehydrator. Our singers only pretend to sing to a tape which is really Sheryl Crowe. Our major goal is to have an uncle in the carpet business. We think we can effect the score of a baseball game by wearing lucky underwear. We drink weak coffee and eat inferior donuts. We know the difference but don’t care. We admire the good looking and aspire to be more like them. We like outspoken people and hate what they say. We like it when others do something stupid or wrong. We buy the same pants again and again. We believe but don’t know. We can’t see an hour into the future. We get mad at others, punch a wall, and break our hand.

That’s the Way We Live

Tuesday, October 26, 2004
I am appalled by the war in Iraq. I am not a pacifist but I just think that we need to find peaceful solutions to problems if we want peace as the outcome. Kind of like drinking water for a headache instead of taking a barbiturate. Some solutions cause new problems. Violence, no matter how justified it might seem, begets violence. What does it say in the bible? I’m not religious but isn’t turning the other cheek one of the biggies. It seems that the people over there who we’ve “liberated” don’t have such a high opinion of us. I mean, are we really still fighting Saddam’s people or are the people we’re fighting now, actually, totally different from the people we went over to defeat.
I’m struck by how powerless I feel in this thing. I know that there are so many others who share my opinion and yet the military budgets continue soar. I’m also struck by how difficult it is to separate this situation from the historical context that it is in. These situations are hundreds of years in the making. How else can thoughtful people carry out murder.


So, I’ve been thinking about TV and brain washing. Everything on TV is designed to sell you something. In order to sell you that something you need to be in that mind set. So they sell you the mind set. You need to eat this. You need to be thin. You need to be powerful. You need to be wealthy. You need to be surrounded with toys. You need to accomplish more. You need to be smarter. Because they need to keep selling, you need to keep needing. You need to feel like you’re perpetually nothing.

Walk on the Water

Sunday, October 24, 2004
Hey, so I've been settling in to Dad life. It's cool. I've actually been having more fun since than before. None of this, "Your life as you know it is gone". That's a Bill Murray quote from Lost in Translation. I mean Me and the Stash and the Z girl went to bashes all summer, built a barn, did chores, worked. Hazel was seriously popular at shindigs.

Anyway, so this song is about my commute. The one that ends when it snows. When they heep the gravel pile on. After that I gotta go around and over the covered bridge through Dummerston. Man, life sure has changed since I used to take the N to the 6. I get NY news on the sattelite and I'm still fascinated by those arteries back home. Meanwhile, I get Morning Edition goin', I'm eatin' toast.......drinkin' french roast. Twenty two bumpy minutes later and I'm at work. The VW has survived it so far. I just have to make sure that I honk around blind corners because the Brookline side is more one lane than two. Down to Putney and passed the Green Mountain orchard. No problems parkin'.

Chocolate Bar

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